GloBIAS Working Groups
During the foundation phase of the association, several work groups are developing the different aspects of the CZI grant and the main cornerstones of the project. Each work group is led by a steering committee member, volunteers from across the globe joining the GloBIAS initiative after the survey or other outreach activities contribute as well. Work groups meetings are arranged at varying time-schedules, depending on need. All workgroups offer an opportunity for asynchronous interaction to aid contributions from all work group members.
Training & Education
lead: Christian Tischer
The GloBIAS training and education workgroup organizes and conducts activities to bolster global expertise in bioimage analysis. This group primarily aims to assist professional bioimage analysts in more effectively supporting life scientists with their microscopy data analysis. Current initiatives include establishing a global database of bioimage analysts to aid in organizing regional courses and networking, reviewing existing training materials for bioimage analysis to support the development of future courses, and launching a regular seminar series to help bioimage analysts stay connected and updated on the latest advancements in the field.
Email to: with subject: [GloBIAS training]
lead: Paula Sampaio
The communication workgroup plays a pivotal role in the dissemination and outreach efforts of GloBIAS, focusing on activities across various platforms including the Webpage and social media channels. The responsibilities encompass writing engaging content, cultivating online presence, and fostering connections with diverse audiences to amplify GloBIAS's mission and impact.
Email to: with subject: [GloBIAS communications]
Survey 24
lead: Robert Haase
The survey 2024 was sent out beginning of February and is now closed. We asked 22 questions related to structure, needs and wishes of the community. We plan to use the responses to inform the foundation of the society. The analysis will be done mainly in GitHUB with input from the whole group, and we hope to draw conclusions that will help us to build the society and reflect the community needs.
Email to: with subject: [GloBIAS survey]
lead: Kota Miura
The primary aim of the workgroup "Publication" is to publish a textbook based on the workshops organised by GloBIAS, to harness the outcome of interactions as public resources. In addition, the workgroup will continuously promote the publication of academic manuscripts related to bioimage analysis, in various forms such as research papers, survey reports, commentaries, and essays. For these publications, output channels may include journals, web articles, and blog posts.
Email to: with subject: [GloBIAS publications]
Foundation & Implementation of the GloBIAS Society
lead: Christa Walther
Beside deciding on the country where we can establish the association, the group will develop the statues and additional governance documents for the society. The structure will be shaped by input from the survey group based on the survey results. Once the association is set up, we will also further develop our business plan.
Email to: with subject: [GloBIAS society implementation]
Workshop 2024 organization
lead: Julia Fernandez Rodriguez
The workshop 2024 to start building the GloBIAS scientific society & community in-person will be in Gothenburg from 5. Nov to 8. Nov. Registration is open now until 1. June. We also have travel grants for participants. Please check the workshop pages for more information.
Email to: with subject: [GloBIAS Workshop 2024]