About us

The project of founding GloBIAS is based on the successful initiative "Network of European Bioimage Analysts" (NEUBIAS), which started in 2016. GloBIAS aims to expand the NEUBIAS activities worldwide with the same spirit and disciplines, provide the community with a more sustainable base (educationally and financially) through a society, and to welcome a larger number of scientists involved in bioimage analysis.

The project is hosted by German Bioimaging and the group responsible to implement the project has a large experience in bioimaging and bioimage analysis:

Leipzig - Germany

Uppsala - Sweden

Broad Institute
Cambridge - USA

Heidelberg - Gemany

University of Copenhagen
Copenhagen – Denmark

University of Helsinki
Helsinki - Finland

Bordeaux Neurocampus
Bordeaux - France

University of Gothenburg
Gothenburg - Sweden

Freelance Bioimage Analyst
Japan and Germany

Porto - Portugal

Francis Crick Institute
London - UK

Harvard Medical School
Boston - USA

GloBIAS community managerAachen - Germany &  Sheffield - UK

Since October 2024, we have two regular guests contributing to the monthly meetings of the Steering Committee:

Gabriel Krens

Manager of Imaging & Optics Facility 

Institute of Science and Technology, Austria

Janina Hanne 

Managing DirectorGerman BioImaging, Germany