
Integrity and Reproducibility of image data analysis

Below, below you find several links to resources relevant to reproducibility in bioimage analysis.

A more recent resource is this Focal Plane feature webinar. In his part of the webinar, Kota Miura discusses how to ensure your bioimage analysis is reproducible and why this is so important. A key take home message was the importance of recording exactly how you have performed your analysis, including software versions. Of course, this information should be easily accessible within your publication. 

Another source of information on this topic can be found here. This links to the follow up thread for a NEUBIAS Academy@HOME webinar. The original webinar 'In defence of scientific integrity of image data and analysis' is here

Papers on this topics:

Publications standards

QUAREP-LiMi WG12 is working on providing guidelines for scientists to publish accessible and understandable images, including their reproducible processing and analysis procedures.

Several GloBIAS members are actively contributing to the QUAREP-LiMi Working Group 12 (WG12), focused on establishing publication guidelines for publishing accessible and understandable images, including their reproducible processing and analysis procedures. Their work aims to create clear, standardized protocols that enhance transparency and reproducibility in scientific reporting, helping researchers around the globe adopt best practices for publishing microscopy data. This collaborative effort underlines GloBIAS's commitment to quality and integrity in the field, working alongside the international QUAREP-LiMi community to set new standards for impactful, reliable microscopy publications.

Check latest deliverables at checklists for publications

Acknowledgment and authorship

Wondering if or how working in a facility influences authorship credentials? The Royal Microscopical Society has addressed this issue here for Imaging facilities: RMS Guidelines on acknowledgment of Imaging Facility