GloBIAS Survey February 2024
The survey is now closed.
The survey is now closed.
We had a fantastic response rate and would like to say thank you to everyone who contributed.
We had a fantastic response rate and would like to say thank you to everyone who contributed.
With the survey we hope to get a better idea on how GloBIAS can help to build a strong global BioImage Analysts community.
GloBIAS – the Global BioImage Analysts’ society - aims to get information on the community of BioImage analysts, how they are distributed, what type of activities they would like to see offered
by GloBIAS and which activities they would be prepared to actively contribute to.
We aim to reach as many people as possible working in BioImage analysis: Please respond to the survey and help us with your contribution.
The survey opened the week cc 5 Feb 2024, and it will remain open for approximately 6 weeks.