Travel grant selection criteria GloBIAS Workshop 2024
We are delighted to announce the introduction of GloBIAS Workshop Grants, aimed at providing financial support for Bioimage Analysts intending to participate in the GloBIAS workshop scheduled for November 5-8, 2024, in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Funding conditions apply and must be adhered to: GloBIAS Workshop Grants typically cover travel expenses (e.g., economy airfare only; additional onboard services such as WiFi are not reimbursed) and accommodation costs. The financial support provided by GloBIAS Workshop Grants is intended as a contribution towards workshop expenses and may not necessarily cover all associated costs.
In general, grants will represent an average contribution to a maximum of 2000 EUR (transcontinental travel) and 700 EUR (travel within Europe), based on invoices from GloBIAS to the applicant.
Please, note that the GloBIAS Workshop Grants will be disbursed to successful applicants upon completion of the workshop, subsequent evaluation of the final report, and submission of all relevant invoices.
GloBIAS Workshop Grants Selection Criteria
Relevance of the application grant goals (by motivation letter) with GloBIAS objectives
Geographical distribution of applicants
If the applicant is an Early Career Image Analyst
Gender balance across the workshop grant application
The application should be financially justified, meaning that the estimate of expenses is reasonable
The final selection of the applicant is the responsibility of GloBIAS Workshop Grants coordinator and the expert Evaluation Committee.
Application Procedure for the GloBIAS Workshop Grants
Step 1 – Formal agreement registration by the applicant
The Applicant must submit the supporting documents to the GloBIAS Workshop Grants coordinator with the subject: [GloBIAS Workshop 2024 travel grants]:
Short Curriculum Vitae
Motivation letter: alignment with the goal of the workshop
Budget: travel and accommodation subsidy required. Finding additional funding is strongly encouraged.
Step 2 – Assessment of the GloBIAS Workshop Grants
Upon the GloBIAS Workshop Grants Call Closing date, the Evaluation Committee will perform the scientific and budgetary assessment of the applications considering the GloBIAS objectives and the previously defined evaluation criteria. The committee will also define an acceptable funding level for the approved applications.
The successful applicant commits to provide a support letter from the home institution to formally accept the travel grant.
The amount of the awarded Grant can never be higher than what the applicant requested.